30 Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense Positive Negative Dan Interrogative


Kumpulan Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense

Contoh kalimat future continuous tense | Future continuous tense adalah tenses yang kita gunakan untuk menyatakan suatau pekerjaan yang akan sedang berlangsung pada waktu yang akan datang.

Untuk sobat yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai materi tenses future continuous bisa dilihat disini : Rumus Dan Penggunaan Future Continuous Tense Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense 30 Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense Positive Negative Dan Interrogative

30 Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense

Berikut ini adalah kumpulan 30 Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense dalam bentuk kalimat Positive, Negative, Dan Interrogative dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya.

Saya akan sedang memasak jam delapan besok pagi

(+) I shall be cooking at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(-) I shall not be cooking at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(?) Shall I be cooking at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

Saya akan sedang membeli buku jam tiga besok sore

(+) I shall be buying a book at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon

(-) I shall not be buying a book at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon

(?) Shall I be buying a book at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon

Rina akan sedang mengerjakan ujian pada pukul delapan minggu depan

(+) Rina will be doing her exam at eight o’clock next week

(-) Rina will not be doing her exam at eight o’clock next week

(?) Will Rina be doing her exam at eight o’clock next week

Yuli akan sedang mengajar bahasa inggris pada pukul delapan besok pagi

(+) Yuli will be teaching English at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(-) Yuli will not be teaching English at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(?) Will Yuli be teaching English at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

Ibu akan sedang pergi ke pasar pada pukul delapan besok pagi

(+) Mother will be going to market at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(-) Mother will not be going to market at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(?) Will Mother be going to market at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

Ayah akan sedang berangkat ke kantor pada pukul tujuh besok pagi

(+) Father will be leaving for work at seven o’clock tomorrow morning

(-) Father will not be leaving for work at seven o’clock tomorrow morning

(?) Will father be leaving for work at seven o’clock tomorrow morning

Bibiku akan sedang menyiram bunga pada pukul tujuh besok pagi

(+) My aunt will be watering the flower at seven o’clock tomorrow morning

(-) My aunt will not be watering the flower at seven o’clock tomorrow morning

(?) Will my aunt be watering the flower at seven o’clock tomorrow morning

Budi akan sedang main sepak bola pada pukul empat besok sore

(+) Budi will be playing football at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon

(-) Budi will not be playing football at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon

(?) Will Budi be playing football at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon

Mereka akan sedang bergotong royong pada pukul delapan besok pagi

(+) They will be working together at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(-) They will not be working together at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(?) Will they be working together at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

Pamanku akan sedang menulis laporan pada pukul delapan besok pagi

(+) My uncle will be writing a report at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(-) My uncle will not be writing a report at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

(?) Will My uncle be writing a report at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

Baca juga : Perbedaan Made Of Dan Made From Dalam Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Demikian kumpulan Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense dalam kalimat Positive, Negative Dan Interrogative disertai artinya dalam bahasa indonesia.


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